
Depression And Thoughts

Depression and Thoughts; Do you relate more closely to your own negative thoughts than the positive ones? Remember, negative tapes in your head are the voices of abusers and anyone who has ever spoken unkindly to you. It is these voices that steal your freedom, that disable you.

You have a choice whether or not you listen to those voices. They are a habit, but you have free will. You choose how to respond. Who says you have to agree with them? You have the right to banish old, negative voices and to replace them with uplifting people and with your own strong voice.

* What do you want from your life?

* Who do you want to become?

* What stands in the way of reaching these two?

Only you can decide what you need to become more powerful and successful in your life. If you knew you had three months of health left, how would you spend those months? What passion or accomplishment have you denied yourself? Examine the thinking that blocks you. Depression and Thoughts; It is time to change your mind and adopt healthier thinking, take responsibility.


Begin Clear Thinking

  • Challenge your statements and beliefs.
  • For example, you may say, “I’m totally worthless. I have nothing to give to anyone.” Ask pointed questions to draw out the fact that you do indeed have value.
  • Prepare a list of ten things you like about yourself over the next week—and three of them have to be physical characteristics.
  • Consider that very few things are really hopeless, and very few situations are “all bad.”

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