

This book is a great resource for those planning to have children, and for parents. The authors contend that how you make sense of your childhood experiences has a profound effect on how you parent your own children.

As a result of reading this book, parents who had difficult childhoods will understand and connect with themselves in a way which will significantly improve their connection with their children.


Premarital Goals

Why should couples seek premarital counseling? The reasons are numerous. They range from wanting to prevent a future divorce, to getting on the same page about finances and child-rearing, to simply making the most of their lives together before they make a lifetime commitment.


Increasing Intimacy

Intimacy is the closeness of your relationship with another person — emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, sexually, and in many other ways. Intimacy is one of many important aspects to a romantic relationship. Attaining intimacy is a process that occurs over time and is never completed or fully accomplished.


What Is Your Communication Style?

Internal processors have to think things through before they are in touch with their feelings and ready to talk. They are usually deliberate and methodical in their choice of words, taking longer to express themselves. The internal process or should push himself or herself to think the situation through and return to the partner for resolution and closure.