
  1. Need to Feel Respected

Treat children with courtesy, consideration, and esteem.

Treating children as individuals with respect, this teaches them how to treat others well.

When children are treated without respect, they often think that something is wrong with them. If you were treated poorly as a child, do not treat children the same way. Ask for help to speak and act in ways that will help them to be strong and confident. These are crucial needs of children.

  • Rudeness and Lack of Courtesy

    Speak to children with the same tone of voice you would like them to use with you. If you are tired or angry, take a breath and calm yourself first. Then, use courtesy as you do with adults you respect. Children have feelings too, and they will grow to show respect if they are respected.

  • Dishonesty

    Be truthful when speaking to children. Do not lie even if it seems easier, they will not trust you. They will learn to speak in truth and resist lying if others have tried to be truthful with them. When you feel you cannot...


1. Work for a winning solution, happy couples are the goal. Shame-based couples often look at all issues in terms of right and wrong, and to see all conflicts as ending with a winner and a loser. That approach works for boxing matches, not couples. Search for solutions that make each partner a winner. Seldom is there just one way to do things. Two different views can both be right,winning solution, couples.

2. Use the Twelve Steps. Stop the fight and share with each other what step you need to use in connection with this problem. If you are involved with recovery from co-dependence or other issues, connect to the principles.

3. Agree on times to work on problems. Difficult conversations when you are tired and depleted is counter-productive. Agree that it is all right to talk about the program at another time that’s acceptable to you both. Have a rule about times of the day when intense issues need to be tabled.

4. Avoid dramatic exits. Threatening abandonment is great drama, but also destructive to those whose history is filled with it. Remember, shame is about...


Are you finding yourself a bit blue in the holiday season? Stress? If so, you’re not alone. Boost your mood. Holidays are typically full of to-do lists, good things & sometimes unmet expectations or loss. Not only can this be extremely stressful, it can stir up uncertainty. Do what you can to lessen the anxiety and depression if this is something you are experiencing.

If you want things to be different, do something differently-if you do what you’ve always done, you’ll always have what you’ve currently got. Therefore, if you want to improve your mood and feel better, you must change your behavior.

Consider these steps, you may even find yourself feeling better than you have in a long time!

* Move It. It’s a proven fact that increasing your activity level will lift your mood- sometimes as much as taking an antidepressant. Take frequent walks throughout the day or structure a half hour of stretching. Plan events to look forward to, join a small group, or start playing a team sport. This can be hard to do – especially if you’re used to being less active. But...


Feeling Isolated? Marriage and Isolation is a danger that may threaten every marriage at some point. A husband and wife slowly drift apart in ways they don’t even recognize at first. Signs of isolation include the following:

* A feeling that your spouse isn’t hearing you and doesn’t want to understand

* An attitude of “Who cares?” Giving up

* A feeling of being unable to meet the expectations of your spouse

* A sense that your spouse is detached from you

* A refusal to cope with what’s wrong: “That’s your problem, not mine.”

* Feeling that keeping the peace by avoiding the conflict is better than the pain of dealing with reality

If you notice these characteristics in your marriage, you have begun experiencing the danger of isolation.Every relationship needs a plan to defeat isolation and to bring about intimacy. Isolation is like a cancer that invades your marriage, silently, slowly, and painlessly at first. By the time many couples become aware of its insidious effects, it may be in place. Your marriage can...


Actually, with some practical tips, you can minimize the stress and depression that often accompany the holidays. You may even end up enjoying the holidays more than you thought you would.

Recognize holiday triggers

Learn to recognize common holiday triggers, so you can disarm them before they lead to a meltdown:

  • Relationships. Relationships can cause turmoil, conflict or stress at any time, but tensions are often heightened during the holidays. Family misunderstandings and conflicts can intensify — especially if you’re thrust together for several days. On the other hand, facing the holidays without a loved one can be tough and leave you feeling lonely and sad.

  • Finances. With the added expenses of gifts, travel, food and entertainment, the holidays can put a strain on your budget — and your peace of mind. Not to mention that overspending now can mean financial worries for months to come.

  • Physical demands. Even die-hard holiday enthusiasts may find that the extra shopping and socializing can leave them wiped out. Being...


Premarital counseling; Like all things, marriage takes effort to be successful. People tend to spend more time preparing for their wedding than they do for marriage. Many people who face marriage problems have not taken the time to communicate in depth with their partner before saying, ” I do.” Couples vary regarding the priorities they bring to counseling, but important topics which are often addressed are….go to; //

Creating positive marriage resolutions. It’s easy to get emotional when discussing serious topics like money, sex, and kids. During premarital counseling the counselor can help guide the conversation and prevent you and your partner from going off on a tangent, thereby losing focus and not accomplishing anything.

Learning conflict resolution skills. If you’ve had some major conflicts in the past then you both know how you tend to react during arguments, whether it’s exhibiting the silent...


By Dr. Emerson Eggerichs


Children’s self image; Parents, your child or teen’s entire sense of value is based on what they see in YOUR FACE when you first see them. Does your expression convey affection or irritation? Do you communicate appreciation or dislike? Dads and Moms, do you know your child becomes who you tell him he is? EVERYTHING you say will be absorbed, the good and the bad. Dads, you have SUPERPOWER over the self-images of your children.

ALERT-A child or teen’s biggest mistake, lowest moment, most serious misbehavior, is your strongest opportunity to speak your words of confidence, faith, hope, improvement and blessing into their hearts. Will they be in despair, believing they are worthless and incompetent? Or will your children be overwhelmed by your love in their worst moment, and compelled to live up to your faith in them? Children/teens believe of themselves what You believe of Them.

Play with your child and have fun. When you play with your child, it shows him that you like spending time with him and value his company.

Not only does your child develop confidence in his...


Dads and Moms, do you step away from your chores/TV/computer to PLAY WITH your children? Bonding with children is crucial to good relationships. Time invested is the best way to show your love. This should take place every day. Understand that the development of trust in children, takes place as they interact with Dad and Mom. Their capacity to trust strengthens as you play with them, listen to your children, and is proportional to the level of your involvement. Your child’s capacity for good future relationships is developed by their bond with you. Dad, again you have SUPERPOWER over both sons and daughters learning to trust. Healthy, appropriate physical touch by Dad teaches both genders that they are loved and respected. Good parenting points for Dad; //

Healthy touch enhances attachment and bonding between parents and children. Research studies have...


Relationship tips; Healthy Communication reassures, comforts, brings relief.

Touch; Significant studies have shown the incredible importance of touch on a baby’s and on animal development. Touch is and remains a vital component of true comfort. Whether or not your love language is touch, always talk to your partner and learn what types of touch they desire. Share yours as well, then seek to please one another.

Listening; Undivided attention, eye contact. Good listeners ask questions so they can understand the heart and mind. Listening never includes dismissive statements. Comfort is only possible if emotional connection is made. In our rushed, performance-oriented culture, we are often poor listeners. Stop speaking, listen to the other person. Affirm what you hear, regardless of whether you agree. Offer truthful encouragement.

Relief; Being touched and listened to brings relief. Relief occurs when we are able to express our frustration and someone listens and responds. Self-awareness always grows as another reflects and puts words to what is going on inside us....


Behaviors=Avoid; NEVER -Control others, Refuse to talk, Need to win, Keep score, Focus on changing partner, Practice verbal abuse, Refuse to take blame, Ask for feelings then get angry about them!

These are relationship behaviors we often see displayed, unfortunately they ruin relationships. Do not allow actions like these to be part of how you interact with others. These relationship behaviors are harmful, they cause relational injury and alienate the partner. You can’t control others, it is your responsibility to control yourself. If you win, the other person is automatically wrong. When we feel wrong, we want to escape from the presence of the person who caused us to feel that way. You can only change yourself, not the other person. Verbal abuse is highly dysfunctional, mean-spirited and a sign of insecurity. These are relationship behaviors to avoid.

Controlling other people is a behavior that pushes them away; the act of trying to manipulate or dominate the situation or person through various strategies. These strategies can be anything from interrupting or...


This book is a great resource for those planning to have children, and for parents. The authors contend that how you make sense of your childhood experiences has a profound effect on how you parent your own children.

As a result of reading this book, parents who had difficult childhoods will understand and connect with themselves in a way which will significantly improve their connection with their children.


E-therapy is a new type of therapy for helping people resolve life and relationship issues utilizing the power and convenience of the Internet. For the purpose of services provided by this professional, E-Therapy means the practice of psychotherapy, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, and education using interactive audio-video..see more; //


Like all things, marriage takes effort to be successful. People tend to spend more time preparing for their wedding than they do for marriage. Many people who face marriage problems have not taken the time to communicate in depth with their partner before saying, ” I do.” Couples vary regarding the priorities they bring to counseling, but important topics which are often addressed are….go to; //


  1. Improve Self-Care; Allow your feelings – Self-care, health, personal growth are critically important. Try not to repress or ignore your emotions, they are a natural part of being people. Some emotions are positive, some are painful. Stressful events can bring about painful emotion.If you have recently experienced loss or you can’t be with loved ones, realize that it’s normal to feel sadness and grief. It’s OK to take time to cry or express your feelings. You can’t force yourself to be happy just because it’s an occasion or the holiday season.

  2. Reach out – If you feel lonely or isolated, seek out community, religious or other social events. They can offer support and companionship. Every study regarding how we function, shows that from infancy throughout adulthood, we function at a better level when we are IN relationship with others. Volunteering your time to help others also is a good way to lift your spirits and broaden your friendships....


Relationship Intimacy

We are created for relationship. All of us balance two conflicting drives-the desire for attachment, and the desire to avoid pain. We need to attach, bond and connect to be whole and content. But in relationships, problems occur- some of which are painful. What are we to do in this dilemma? How to experience relationship intimacy when closeness involves pain. Some of us use walls or defenses to avoid pain, and in doing so rob ourselves of relationships. When we get close to people we will experience community, giving, receiving, love and we will also experience problems.

A quality relationship is not a relationship without problems, it is a relationship that handles problems well. What comes naturally when conflict occurs is often damaging. Turn away from what comes naturally and learn about interactions that increase emotional intimacy. Responding well in conflict often requires a deliberate approach of intentionally managing the problems in healthy ways. Reciprocity occurs in bad conflict-the cycle feeds itself. Reciprocity also occurs in...


Internal Processor-

Needs time and space to process emotions, and “digest” thoughts-

Difficulty identifying and articulating thoughts and feelings-

Becomes anxious if pursued to resolve conflict quickly, or is rushed or the other person becomes upset-dislikes and avoids conflict-

Needs encouragement to come back and enter into discussion following alone time-

Deliberate, methodical communication-

External Processor–

Can identify thoughts and feelings right away-

Difficulty sitting with thoughts and feelings-

Becomes very anxious if the other person is not available/willing to “fix it” right away-Dislikes conflict but believes it is worth it to reach resolution and relief-

Has difficulty waiting and allowing the other processing time-

Is challenged by trying to listen and not interrupt-

Spontaneous, free-flow communication


E-therapy is a new type of therapy for helping people resolve life and relationship issues utilizing the power and convenience of the Internet. For the purpose of services provided by this professional, E-Therapy means the practice of psychotherapy, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, and education using interactive audio-video..see more; //

E-therapy is the delivery of mental health counseling via the Internet. People also know it as e-therapy, distance therapy, Internet therapy and web therapy. Therapists and online therapy networks use a variety of mediums such as apps for texting, video chatting, voice messaging and audio messaging.

Research studies have proven the efficacy of therapy via the internet to the point where it has become a viable alternative and supplement to in-office therapy. There are even people who can afford and make time for in-office therapy but choose online therapy.

  • Some clients feel...


If you find yourself responding emotionally to what someone said, say so, and ask for more information: “I may not be

understanding you correctly, and I find myself taking what you said personally. What I thought you just said is…. is that what you meant?”

See; Assertive Communication and Anger


Seek Awareness– Value comfort; Ask questions & discover feelings, underlying needs, and “buttons.”Engage –Bring this new awareness into relationship. Explore–Listen & clarify, ask further questions. Respond with understanding, validate feelings, offer to help. Resolve- Resolution brings relief. Offer closure, maybe negotiate, problem solve, compromise, own-up, confess, and forgive. Sometimes comfort involves reassurance & nurture. Improve your relationships, comfort each other.

Improve Relationships, comfort!

Provide comfort by moving outside of yourself and asking genuine questions of your partner. Focus on what he/she is saying, rather than your own thoughts. Affirm the feelings of your partner whether or not you understand them. Accepting what you do not understand takes more love.

Try to remember when you have been upset, disappointed or hurt and were comforted by someone. How did the person comfort you? What aspects of what he/she said and did helped you to feel better? Consider the points made above as behaviors that will help you to reassure...


Benefit from Relationship Counseling, increase Relationship Happiness;

  • Attaining a better understanding of yourself, your goals and values

  • Learning new ways to cope with stress and anxiety

  • Managing anger, grief, depression, and other emotional pressures

  • Improving communications and listening skills

  • Changing old behavior patterns and developing new ones

  • Discovering new ways to solve problems and resolve conflict

  • Improving your self-identity and boosting self-confidence

We are created for relationships, people function at their best when relationships are stable and satisfying. Each of us can develop stronger relationship skills, a lifetime process.

If you have questions regarding HOW to develop these concepts above, call me now!

Practice these faithfully, you will increase Relationship Happiness



Avoid dysfunctional behaviors; Never ask for help, Stockpile anger, be defensive, Use silence as a weapon, Pretend you don’t hear, Refuse to give information, Use threats, or make a statement in which you

Claim to be the only one interested in the relationship! Repair Relationships rather than Ruin them.

Dysfunctional Behaviors

Anger; An outburst of anger is the act of expressing anger, often in an uncontrolled and sudden manner. An anger outburst can be exhibited on a smaller scale, like sarcasm or passive aggressive anger. Or it can be expressed on a larger scale, like yelling, shouting, slamming, throwing, hitting, or breaking things. Outbursts of anger often occur when people feel beyond their threshold of what they can tolerate, where they are “at their wits end” or they have endured their “last straw.” Often the angry person thinks that their partner is deliberately making them unhappy or is trying to hurt them, and they turn it into an issue of justice, fairness, and principle.

The receiving partner usually feels hurt, frighten, and worried. The...


  • Needs time and space to process emotions, and “digest” thoughts.

  • Difficulty identifying and articulating thoughts and feelings

  • Becomes anxious if pursued to resolve conflict quickly, or is rushed or the other person becomes upset-dislikes and avoids conflict.

  • Needs encouragement to come back and enter into discussion following alone time.

  • Deliberate, methodical communication.

Internal processors have to think things through before they are in touch with their feelings and ready to talk. They are usually deliberate and methodical in their choice of words, taking longer to express themselves. The internal process or should push himself or herself to think the situation through and return to the partner for resolution and closure.

This communication is characterized by thoughts and emotions being processed internally. There is a vulnerability to be conflict adverse-push against that and remain engaged in conversation. Verbally this communication style is usually deliberate and methodical, words...


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a form of psychotherapy used to treat individuals with traumatic experiences, anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns. The therapy is based on the concept that traumatic experiences can cause unprocessed memories to become stored in the brain, leading to symptoms such as anxiety and depression.

The EMDR therapy process begins with a thorough assessment of the client’s history and current symptoms. The therapist then helps the client identify specific traumatic events and related negative beliefs. During the therapy session, the client is instructed to recall the traumatic memory while following the therapist’s hand movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation (e.g. tapping or sound). This process is thought to activate the brain’s natural information processing system, allowing the client to reprocess and integrate the traumatic memories.

Throughout the therapy process, the client is encouraged to report any thoughts, feelings, and sensations that arise. The therapist may also work with...


Healing From Infidelity In Marriage

Healing from infidelity in a marriage is a complex and difficult process, but with the right steps, it is possible to rebuild trust and intimacy. Here are some of the most important steps to consider:

  1. Acknowledge the pain: Both partners need to acknowledge the pain that infidelity has caused and validate each other’s feelings. This can help to create a foundation for honest communication and a sense of safety in the relationship.
  2. Establish clear and honest communication: Open and honest communication is key in any relationship, but especially so after infidelity. This means being willing to listen to each other’s feelings and perspectives without judgment.
  3. Take responsibility: The person who committed the infidelity needs to take full responsibility for their actions and express genuine remorse. This is an important step in building trust and helping the other partner to heal.
  4. Identify the underlying issues: Infidelity often occurs as a result of underlying issues in the relationship....

Goals Of Premarital Counseling

Why should couples seek premarital counseling? The reasons are numerous. They range from wanting to prevent a future divorce, to getting on the same page about finances and child-rearing, to simply making the most of their lives together before they make a lifetime commitment.

If you decide to take the plunge in premarital counseling, here are 8 goals for premarriage counseling.

1. Work for win-win solutions. Shame-based couples often look at all issues in terms of right and wrong, and to see all conflicts as ending with a winner and a loser. That approach works for boxing matches, not couples. Search for solutions that make each partner a winner. Seldom is there just one way to do things. Two different views can both be right. Focusing on strengths increases personal growth.

2. Use the Twelve Steps. Stop the fight and share with each other what step you need to use in connection with this problem. If you are involved with recovery from co-dependence or other issues, connect to the principles, communicate...


Relationship Advice On Intimacy

Intimacy is the closeness of your relationship with another person — emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, sexually, and in many other ways. Intimacy is one of many important aspects to a romantic relationship. Attaining intimacy is a process that occurs over time and is never completed or fully accomplished. Partners who desire deep and lasting relationships nurture the intimacy between them over the course of the relationship, not just in the early stages.

Abundant research exists showing the positive relationship between marriage and health. Long term, committed relationships contribute to a myriad of positive health benefits. Developing long-lasting intimate relationships is conducive to both happiness and health. Intimacy can take many forms; emotional intimacy is the closeness created through sharing feelings. Because females are encouraged to recognize and express their emotions from an early age, women generally understand emotions better than men. Unfortunately, society tends to discourage men from...


Revelation Counseling is here to help you to communicate better to meet your goals, in your family, at work, and in the world in general. We offer relationship-focused therapy, including marriage counseling, depression counseling, PTSD therapy, and more. To find out if we specialize in the service you need, click here.

Step One

As a first step, I would like you to consider how you define communication. It is important that you and the person you are striving to communicate with have the same definition. Agreeing what communication is, Step One.

According to the, communication is “the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior. The art and technique of using words effectively to impart and receive information or ideas.” And is we turn to we can add, “the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else.”


When you are looking for self-help resources, books can be a valuable tool to help you learn new ways of thinking about yourself and your relationships with others. They can also encourage new forms of communication that can change your relationships. There are also times when you need help while you learn these new patterns. A personal, experienced counselor can help you in this journey. If you find yourself needing a guide in your self-help journey or couples therapy, call Marta at Revelation Counseling.

“Boundaries in Marriage”

Boundaries are the ways in which we define and maintain our sense of individuality, personal integrity, and freedom. The principles described in this book are significant ingredients to a thriving marriage. The authors guide readers in how to cope with differing needs, how to establish healthy communication, how to solve problems and much more.

Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend are popular speakers, psychologists, and cohosts of the nationally broadcast New Life Live radio program. Also, they are cofounders of Cloud-Townsend Clinic...


By Dr. Henry Cloud And Dr. John Townsend


Psychotherapy And Trauma


Relationship Advice For Raising A Teen


Parenting Advice From Our Psychotherapist


How to Rebuild Trust- Yes, it’s possible. Depending on the situation, trust can be rebuilt. But the process of building trust doesn’t just happen. Not in the first place, or after a rupture has occurred. It takes significant inner work on the part of both partners.

When you are working to build trust with a partner, or to restore trust that has been broken, a counselor can be very helpful. A psychotherapist like Marta can facilitate communication and help you and your partner be aware of patterns but healthy and unhealthy. When you can identify an unhealthy pattern, you can be mindful of your actions that contribute to that pattern.

Are you trustworthy? To build a stable foundation of trust with another person, both individuals must commit to honesty, and their actions must be consistent with the promises they make to each other. If you can recall a time that trust was broken in your relationship, think back on what happened leading up to the betrayal. Did your inner voice whisper something to you which you ignored? It is important for each of us to be aware...


Before practicing progressive muscle relaxation, consult with your doctor if you have a history of conditions that may be aggravated by tensing muscles.

Progressive muscle relaxation usually begins at the feet and work your way up to the face. Our goal is to reduce and manage anxiety.

  • Wear loose clothes, no shoes, and get comfortable.
  • Take a few minutes to relax, breathing in and out in slow, deep breaths.
  • When you’re relaxed and ready to start, shift your attention to your right foot. Take a moment to focus on the way it feels.
  • Slowly tense the muscles in your right foot, squeezing as tightly as you can. Hold for a count of 10.
  • Relax your right foot. Focus on the tension flowing away and the way your foot feels as it becomes limp and loose.
  • Stay in this relaxed state for a moment, breathing deeply and slowly.
  • When you’re ready, shift your attention to your left foot. Follow the same sequence of muscle tension and release.
  • Move slowly up through your body, contracting and relaxing the muscle groups as you...

The goal of deep breathing is to breathe deeply from the abdomen, getting as much fresh air as possible in your lungs, slowing respiration and reducing anxiety. When you take deep breaths from the abdomen, rather than shallow breaths from your upper chest, you inhale more oxygen. The more oxygen you get, the less tense, short of breath, and anxious you feel, you are managing your anxiety.

  • Sit comfortably with your back straight. Put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach.
  • Breathe in through your nose. The hand on your stomach should rise. The hand on your chest should move very little.
  • Exhale through your mouth, pushing out as much air as you can while contracting your abdominal muscles. The hand on your stomach should move in as you exhale, but your other hand should move very little.
  • Continue to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Try to inhale enough so that your lower abdomen rises and falls. Count slowly as you exhale.

If you find it difficult breathing from your abdomen while sitting up, try...


Forgiving makes YOU free. Carrying resentment, bitterness or unforgiveness damages our soul. Forgiving is critical for our own freedom. It is important to work through & process what has taken place, in order to clear & free our own hearts. After looking within, and taking an inventory of your own heart, here are some practical steps;

    • Make a list of the persons who have hurt you.
    • Next to each name, write what you needed from that person.
    • Next to that, write how it made you feel when that person did not meet your need.
    • Identify any responsibility that is yours, action you can take.
    • In the last column write whether you think that person will ever be able to meet your need. Be honest.
    • Accept your loss and grieve it.
    • //
    • “Reconcilliation is love’s toughest work, and love’s biggest risk. If you twist it into something it was never meant to be, it can make you a doormat or an insufferable...

  1. Are you facing a marriage crisis? If so your mind is probably swimming with questions. Are you asking yourself if you should stay or end the relationship? Should we go to marriage counseling? What will the future be like? Think about what the future will be like if you leave the relationship. How will it affect your children, family or friendships? Then, envision what your life will be like five years from now. Family events? Will you have to attend functions separately? What will happen when either of you enter into a new relationship? Think about what it will be like twenty years from now. Picture what your future will be like without your current spouse and whether or not you can handle that future alone.
  2. What was the past like? Recall what the past was like and all of the fun times that you and your spouse shared together. There will be happy memories, so try to recall those happy memories and think about what kept you together with your spouse for so long. Are you willing to end that chapter of your life in favor of being alone, or being with the someone...

Are you overreacting? Too emotional? Relationship problems happen to all people. When the scenario involves being told you are too emotional, or over-reacting-there may be something else causing the relationship trouble or marital problems.

I want to teach you about implicit and explicit memory. Implicit memory is sometimes referred to as unconscious memory or automatic memory. Implicit memory uses past experiences to remember things without thinking about them. Explicit memory, sometimes called declarative memory, is the conscious, intentional recollection of previous experiences and information. We use explicit memory throughout the day, such as remembering the time of an appointment or recollecting an event from years ago.


Parenting teens well. This article is very good, I agree with every word. Let me know what you think, ask any questions & please share with those who are parenting Teens;

How To Ruin Your Relationship With Your Teenager

by Michelle Lehnardt

“One evening my sons came home with the same exclamation, “It’s amazing how many kids hate their parents!” We talked for an hour or so about why, and I’ve interviewed several teenagers over the last few months for further clarity.

The good news: most teenagers are very forgiving of parental missteps; they recognize their own faults and readily forgive others’. Even better, in a healthy relationship, teenagers love you for who you are. Yes, they might act embarrassed when you hug them in front of their friends or even drop them off in front of the high school. But they really don’t care if you’re overweight, frumpy or wear...

more published this information;

“Touch! Touch often, casually and intimately. Touch because you can. Touch because it takes the sting out of harsh words. Touch because it reminds both of you that you’re not alone, you’re in it together, and that eases anxiety. Touch because we can forget to, because we become complacent, because we take each other for granted, because we have busy lives.

Think about it: How many times have you touched your partner in the past 48 hours? Has kissing just become foreplay rather than every day? Do you only touch because it’s the routine (a peck on the way out the door)?


For the next week, touch mindfully, rather than absent-mindedly. Hug for longer than you usually do. Hold hands while you walk. Look for opportunities to be physical. Your relationship will thank you for it.


Do you agree codependency can kill?

Can codependency kill?


Codependency; “I have a friend who says her codependency will kill her before her alcoholism. I am so codependent that when I do, I’m afraid someone else’s life will flash before my eyes.

I am completely consumed by a dear friend’s terminal illness. I don’t like the way his caregiver is handling his care. I desperately want to jump in and tell his caregiver how to do things because in my spare time – when I’m not leaping tall buildings in a single bound – I am an oncologist, a child psychologist, pain-management specialist and super-model.

That’s how sick I am. I have the best intentions but my execution is a little off. It is obsessive caretaking. We form one-sided relationships with people who need care – such as my friend, who has cancer. The care-taking becomes compulsive and pathological.

Codependency is a learned behavior, often seen in the spouses and children of...


Improve your life. Do not limit yourself by believing the lies around us. “Look out for Number One” The worst relationship advice for non-abusive relationships. The worst.

If you “look out for number one”, you automatically negate empathy/generosity/other-centeredness/giving/affection/reciprocity, etc.

The influence of our society can be detrimental to healthy relationships. If you want great communication, exceptional relationship and ongoing personal growth-Question the automatic way of thinking & cliches that we hear everyday.


Improve relationships, improve your communication & do not let limiting beliefs cheat you. Learn to recognize the limiting beliefs commonly held in our society. These beliefs destroy relationships before they begin.

Couples~think for yourselves, refuse societal lies that diminish relationship potential;

“EVERY couple fights” DO NOT ACCEPT that. Every couple goes through hurt feelings, offenses, insecurities, etc. But fighting belongs between opponents. People who love each other have meaningful, albeit difficult conversations about issues that come up. It is entirely possible to express yourselves honestly-with RESPECT- and work through issues without fighting. If you believe this limiting concept, you are beginning your relationship with the lowest expectation instead of ideal expectations.

I PROMISE, call me.

Improve your relationship, improve your communication. Do not let limiting beliefs cheat you.


Improve relationship, and communication; refuse to accept Limiting Beliefs. Think for yourself and DO NOT accept everything others say…

“Every couple fights”….You look up the definition of “fight” and tell me if that dynamic belongs in a romantic relationship? NO, it does not. And if you set your bar that low for your relationship, you are already close to the bottom. Improve your relationship…banish this thought.

Yes, every person in relationship; gets hurt feelings, has insecurities, feels offended, is insensitive, puts their “foot in their mouth” makes mistakes, forgets important things, over-reacts, under-reacts, misses the partner’s cue, etc. Do not react and fight. RESPOND instead, both people composed-agree when to talk it through. The harder the topic, the longer it may take. This may be a difficult and painful conversation. There may be tears, shaky voices, need for a break… but issues can be addressed honestly without losing control of yourself and “fighting.”


Depression and Thoughts; Do you relate more closely to your own negative thoughts than the positive ones? Remember, negative tapes in your head are the voices of abusers and anyone who has ever spoken unkindly to you. It is these voices that steal your freedom, that disable you.

You have a choice whether or not you listen to those voices. They are a habit, but you have free will. You choose how to respond. Who says you have to agree with them? You have the right to banish old, negative voices and to replace them with uplifting people and with your own strong voice.

* What do you want from your life?

* Who do you want to become?

* What stands in the way of reaching these two?


Ask Marta